The word guttersnipe pertains to a hard living practitioner of arts and trades, on the most thankless of paths, but nonetheless, among the most urgently, and covertly demanded, of all commercial fringe services. This term is accurate in describing the lifestyle of Bad Overman, and thus the naming of his studio. In describing his creative vision as genre or style, appropriate terms are art-rock, experimental, inventive, modern, and progressive-punk, among others. The real magic in Bad Overman’s world is within the blues, branching out to an infinite array of variations, with an instinctive understanding of the core fundamentals in melody and harmony, making the blues shine. Ultimately, performance is the key. 

Bad Overman, AKA Andy Psomopoulos, is a writer, guitarist, singer, experimental video producer. He owns and runs Guttersnipe Studio, based in ST.John's Newfoundland. Born in 1966 in Toronto, he moved to Montreal in 1986 to study and work. He moved back to Toronto in 2001, where he lived until this past July when he and his wife decided to move their family, to her birthplace of St. John’s, Newfoundland. Extensive experience performing in unique environments has over the years been a major tenet in the fulfillment of Bad Overman’s calling and mission. The body of work he’s created over this time is actively being recorded, with live shows being planned.